There is no life without the five elements. All the so called individuals owe their existence to the five elements. All objects are made of two or more of the five elements. Only when the elements come together to form sattva or food essence, there is the sense of being or the Atma (Self). Although all living forms are time-bound, some forms like that of Markandeya have very long lives.
In nature and consciousness there is no law and order. Man desires order, but has no control over nature. Hence, he assumes law and order in nature.
The five elements, three qualities, Prakriti and Purusha all these are formless. All forms made of these ten have imaginary existence.
I am getting my taste "I Am". It was not there a hundred years back. But now it is there. My first job is to find out the "why and how" of this taste.
In this search for the Truth I found out that my "I" had no existence. I found out that this "I" was not individual but the "Universal I". The real "I" was of the entire existence, without any individuality. With this finding, my search ended there. What existed was not "I" but Brahman. You feel that your existence is important. Hence, everything is important to you. If your existence loses its importance, nothing has any importance to you.
You know "you are" and you want to exist always. You want company of your body indefinitely. But it is a food body which has ageing and time limit. How can it remain healthy forever?
Every human being appears to be made of two ends. The first is an assumed end, the beginning of "I Am" and the second is the active end, which works for the sustenance of the first end. Without the first,the second has no meaning. The second depends upon the first and sustains it. The second works as long as the first is.
As all individuals are imaginary, it is wrong to criticize the family affirs of anybody. In reality is the affair of the Entire - the Brahman. The astral body occupies the whole of existence. Although we restrict ourselves to the body, that is not our actual experience. We always experience everything around us, in which our body also exists. This applies to the waking, as well as the dream states. That's why it appears as if we are trying to force ourselves to be bodies, against our actual experience which is otherwise. It is not an individual who experiences the entire, but it is the entire, the manifest, that experiences the entire. Every being is not separate, but it is always with the group of ten - five elements, three gunas, Prakriti and Purusha."
Excerpted from "NOTHING IS EVERYTHING"/All Individuals are Imaginary.
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