Sometimes I meet beings who say they have realised the Self.
They believe or claim that they know and understand the
They say they sense it, feel it and are convinced it is what
they are and so on. However, it is often sensed here that the mind takes
delivery for this understanding and purchases further life as the egoic
‘achiever’ of ultimate Truth. Consequently, the realisation does not get
baptised in the Heart and a real chance of freedom gradually fades away.
Therefore, such beings can retain their sense of personhood,
unknowingly. Some even edit my words to fit in with their personal
inclinations, projections and spiritual fantasies, but I want to burn all of
this to the ground in order that they attain true freedom.
What we speak about here is authentic transcendence, you
One has to overcome the hypnosis of personal conditioning.
They have to be free from the psychological influence of the
I don’t mean that you should ‘stop’ your mind but rather,
focus on the witness of mind. Therefore, it has to be an authentic
transcendence, not a Hollywood awakening.
Sometimes I say I don’t want or feel for your company.
You indulge too much mental and psychological noise.
There are too many relationships going on inside your mind.
Your representations of yourself mentally, emotionally,
psychically are not authentic expressions of the Self. Such a localised
identity is not enough at this level of understanding, insight or, we could
say, Self-knowledge.
So what has to happen?
You have to be That.
How are you going to be That?
The ‘you’ who you take yourself to be cannot be That.
Being That is not a verb, an action you will take.
It is an awakening, a recognition so profound that it
changes your mind’s orientation immediately and irreversibly.
As real understanding takes over, it will be a life changing
It is as though I am telling you to do something ‘you’, as
ego, cannot do.
Your mind cannot do it, but it is required of you to,
acknowledge and be That which you are.
You have to be open to expose what is not in service to your
true nature.
It is the highest aspect of my work, guidance or teaching
and it is more like an energetic correspondence, not only a verbal one.
Let the untrue be exposed and thoroughly burned.
Sometimes the way into that completeness, that recognition,
is that whatever is untrue is rejected as it is recognised as false, either by
you or by me.
And you may be thinking, ‘Oh my god, I really thought I was
getting somewhere! This is so discouraging’… and so your world feels like it is
turned upside down.
Do not be disheartened, instead keep an attitude of
It is your good fortune that your ‘world’ is being crushed.
I myself don’t have a world. Let yours be upside down so
that what is true in you can reveal itself and begin unfolding in its authentic
expression as true life and being.
Grace is helping you in every way. Trust it.
Say, “Yes, I am here, remove this sense of separation, this
arrogance of separateness and merge me in you, oh God, oh Universe Being, Self,
Truth, Life. Don’t give me any technique.
Absorb me. Replace me with You.”
And finally: Trust your master.
~ Mooji ~