Thursday, 30 January 2014

Religious Beliefs Of Today: The Voice Of Revelation

The Longing For Something which will end world conflict, promote peace among nations, eradicate diseases, and bring serenity and tranquility to hearts and home everywhere, is widespread. Such longing is heartfelt; yet, paradoxically, it is the resultant of the grossly fallacious belief and teaching that we are human beings, with mind, thought and will of our own; and that we all live together in a world which is temporal, material and destructible.

The doctrines of religion, as well as teaching in general, unite today in the common, deplorable misconception that God is Spirit, and we are humanity; and that we must make an exodus from a material world and human existence into the spiritual World and spiritual Existence.
Unprejudiced, fearless and deliberately, let us examine the general status of religious beliefs and teachings of today, as more and more they come into universal focus, and will continue to do so, until the Truth that one God, one Selfhood and one World reigns alone, becomes more widely seen, known and accepted.

Though all the while we are of the World of immaculate love, peace and security—wherein and whereof GOD is the Self, Being, Life, Mind and Will of everyone—the teaching of sin, separation, material world and human existence is world-wide. While living in the midst of peace and happiness, security and abundance, one labors to acquire them, to develop or demonstrate them—but still feels that he is separated from them.

He studies books and listens to teachers or guides that they may show him the way. Alas, he discovers that nearly everyone is searching and struggling for the same thing—something which will bring him the fulfillment of his heartfelt desires.

The entire framework for the preposterous conjecture, assumption and teaching that we must be translated from a human state into the spiritual, and go from one world to another, is taken wholly from certain traditions or mythology, in which is not a single grain of truth. Identified by various, diversified names and titles, and leading over devious paths, all religious creeds, doctrines and tenets are rooted in one basic fallacy—precisely—that we are mortals, mankind, humanity.

Webster defines religion as “systems of faith” practices of religious beliefs.” Religion claims two existences, one for God—spiritual existence; and another existence for us—a human or material existence. It further identifies us with a past state of human birth, a present state of regeneration, and a future state of perfection, after we have earned won or demonstrated it. Without the religious beliefs in sin and separation, there would be no ground, basis or foundation for creed or doctrine; no hypothesis for struggle, strife or warfare; no need for system or method of salvation.

The word religion is derived from re and ligio, meaning to bind back. Classifying God as Spirit, and us as humanity, religion then strives to bind back these parts which it believes have been separated. To this end, each religion selects its own particular method, system and practice, whereby to re-deem, re-generate or re-instate us into that eternal Oneness which never has been severed.

Dear One, were you present, were you there, when original sin took place? Did you see how, when and why separation entered into spiritual Being and spiritual World, that one should now believe himself to be a human being, living in a material world? Has not your heart often wondered, over and over again, how we could have become separated from Spirit, God, that we should now be called mankind or humanity? And have you not longed to believe that God must always be the All-in-All? Trust your heart and its intuitive feelings! We were never separated from God!

In the Biblical narrative of Adam and sin, tribulation, woe and death, there is neither veracity, truth nor symbology. No teaching should be built upon it. The Infinite, sinless God knows no human being or material world; no sin, nor warfare; no translation or demonstration; no fear, nor fear of fear; no struggle, strife, nor death. In the one Infinite God, all is Spirit, and there can be no mortals, no human beings. Emergence from matter into Spirit, or journey from one world to another, is utterly impossible. None can bridge a distance between us and God—no distance exists. None can make a journey to God—God is within us. No future time or place can ever be—God is timeless, spaceless, everpresent.

The very belief in and use of the terms human, material, physical, mortal and mental, assuming—as they do—our separation from Spirit, God, automatically subjects one to sickness, sorrow, tribulation, war and death.

Every method, plan or practice offered today as a way back or forward to our perfect Self and World, is based upon the demoralizing belief and teaching that we are not the one perfect Self and Being now; and that we are not living in the perfect World now. Who is teaching these doctrines and beliefs? The general religious teaching of today. It preaches that we are now mortals, that we have a material body and mind which are temporal, and that we are to become perfect through progressive human footsteps. Were religion not accepting that we are now separated from God or other than the one perfect Selfhood, would it be identifying God as Spirit, and us as mankind or humanity? No—it would not.

While one may declare that there is no self apart from God, he straightway contradicts it, if he teaches or believes that we are either to put off or to improve a human mind; or build a new consciousness. In fact, everything he does to become what the one Self already is, points directly to his own belief in separation and duality.

True knowledge of God and us cannot exist apart from inner Revelation. From life lived by inner Light, we learn that we are not separate from God or other than Spirit. GOD CANNOT BE ONE, AND WE ANOTHER. That we must work and labor to become the One we actually are; and strive to demonstrate the things which are ours already, is a blindness which true vision only can dispel. From inner Light, we learn the great and absolute Truth—separation from God never took place. The way to know the unadulterated Truth is the way of the deeply devoted heart to its own Light. Here we learn the Truth from God direct.

What is Truth?

This is Truth: One God, One Self, One Spirit, One Mind, One Existence, reigning alone–Eternally. Truth is everpresent—complete, absolute, total, all. Truth is without interval or interruption, remaining identical within Itself. To be or not to be the One which reigns alone, is the issue which is paramount today. To know the Truth that one Self exists alone; or to claim existence of two—God and humanity—reveals one’s present Knowledge or belief.

Truth stands alone. Truth has no opposite. Truth has no supposititious antipode. Truth has no second. The teaching that we must develop from one state to another, emerge from matter into Spirit, and be translated from a material existence into the spiritual World, is a denial of the sacred, everlasting Truth that GOD is within us; CHRIST is within us; THE KINGDOM OF GOD is within us—right where we are Here and Now.

Whatever is true and perfect remains true and perfect always. Never can there be a becoming state of Reality. Our true and perfect Self is here NOW. Time and place are unknown to God. How far away from us is our Self? It is always right where we are. It knows no one is present, no one is here, but Me. In Me, there is no fear, no darkness nor veil, nor myth of Adam and sin, nor warfare, tribulation and death. I AM the One World, The ONE I AM THAT I AM. I yield My glory to none other.

We have no self or mind that is human or body that is material; no human self, mind or body can ever be. WE ARE THE ONE WHO EXISTS ALONE. All contrary beliefs must be surrendered. Truth comes as Revelation to him who, surrendering all belief of himself as another beside the One, and with his whole heart loving the Infinite unseparated ONE above all else, rejoicingly identifies himself as the one Self, the one Being, Mind and World—SPIRIT.

The one universal Selfhood was never severed. Not anything was ever lost; nor is there something to be gained. The real Self is our only Self. This Self is God. Other than the Self, There is no God.

Dear One, if you would be whole, happy and free, then identify yourself as the true and real Self only. Whatever is not true should not be considered or tolerated. Freedom consists in knowing what Truth is, and in being Truth. To know what Truth is, and to be Truth, provides our perfect answer to every question, rendering certain and sure our complete safety, security and happiness, here and now.

Thoughts may change, doctrines and laws undergo revisions, but the Truth that the perfect Self is our only Self, reigns alone — Eternally.

~ Lillian DeWaters ~

Copyright 1950, all right reserved

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

The Crucial Question

May 9, 1949
By Lillian de Waters

Spirit reveals the stupendous, irrevocable Truth that God is not a creator, we are not a creation, and on no occasion was life or being created, caused, generated, produced or begun. Atomic Light isthe Living Flame of New Revelation, revealing God to be One All-inclusive Life, Being, Mind, World and Existence—untreated, indivisible, infinite. Everyone who has real Existence lives, inevitably, as this beginningless, Self-existent Life. In no other way could we be eternal, since everything which has a beginning must necessarily have an ending.

Reader, accept no longer the orthodoxy of creation. God never told of a creation of beings, minds or mortals. Discredit the doctrine altogether, as well as any spiritual interpretation of it. There can be no interpretation of the non-existent. The Truth is that Infinite Life and Being is the One unseparated Whole and All, and that our Life and Being is this One now, and no other.

As long as one remains identified with the generally accepted belief that we were born as humans, and that Eternity lies before us, he has no way of knowing that we were never other than Spirit, and that to be one must be without birth or beginning—indestructible and without end.

The heart which loves the living God more than myth or mystery, person or creed, is not a human heart. The pure in heart are equipped with spiritual Vision to perceive that there cannot be both one infinite pure Being and other finite impure mortals. We know the teaching of re-generation to be based upon the pagan myth of de-generation or the fall from perfection. We repudiate this doctrine, and further, illumined by our all-absorbing devotion to Truth and Reality, we refuse to accept the religious teaching of an evil power or entity which is called by such names as devil, Satan, enemy, adversary, error, mortal mind or animal magnetism.

Inevitably, one must arrive at the perception and conclusion that There is One Power, One Identity, One Consciousness, and there is none other than this One. The teaching and acceptance of another power, another mind and another world must come to an end. Each must face and answer the crucial question as follows: Was there or was there not a separation from God and the spiritual World?(Truly, such teaching and questions will not dissolve until the human ego or little separate mind which alone sees, entertains, and believes such nonsense as long as it survives, comes to its utter extinction at role termination stage one.)

Wonderful and glorious, that we can know the great answer from God direct. In no other way would it be the true answer. Through spiritual Revelation it is known for a certainty, and it is declared, that our Spirit and the Spirit of God is identical; that the Spirit of God dwells in us; and that not any part of us is here as a mortal, in a temporal human state, while another part exists at a distance, in a state of purity and perfection. No—we are not in two parts, one “there” called the unfallen spiritual man, and another “here” called a degenerate mortal. Such belief is lacking in Vision and Truth.

Some may say, “We do assert that there is one Mind, and that there can be no Selfhood apart from God.” Yes, on one side of the mouth they may say this, while on the other side they continue to teach or believe that one must watch his human thinking, spiritualize his human self, and waken his human consciousness. All such contradictions originate in one’s acceptance of a fall from Perfection. Would one believe in mental cause and effect, the Adam-belief, the dream of a material life or the concepts of mortal mind,were he not accepting two states of being and existence? He would not.
It shall be perceived and accepted that since there was no creation of mortals or mortality there can be no humanhood to be improved or human being to be reinstated. The Infinite One is the Indivisible Whole.

The forever I AM is the forever One as All, knowing neither physical birth, spiritual growth or human development. The Flaming Light of New Revelation shall explode the fallacious doctrine of fallen man, sin, sinful world, salvation and atonement.

What need one do that he may see and say the Truth, and nothing but the single Truth? He need only turn to God direct. Here, he cannot see two; the One will absorb his complete attention. Here, he shall know and say, I am Spirit, I am the one Being now, and my Consciousness of this Truth is myspiritual World or Universe. Reader, this is what is urged upon you to accept: the Truth of the One as our present Reality, rather than place our Reality in a distant future.

Until one knows the innate Power and Glory abiding within every heart which seeks Truth from God direct, he may believe that Revelation has come to an end. Through his willingness to discard teachings which do not measure up to the Absolute Truth of one Being and one Universe, and identify himself now as this one Mind and Being without a second, he is bound to see and feel the Glory of the Light, and experience it as his own present spiritual Consciousness.

Perhaps you may still be wondering how the Absolute takes care of healing and demonstration. The Absolute Way is the infallible Way. What but divine Mind can know perfect Being and perfect Manifestation to be one and the same? No way exists for us to know our spiritual wholeness, harmony and abundance of all good except as this Mind. Right here is where many hold back and argue. Still believing the second chapter of Genesis to contain a symbolic account of the beginning of duality, they think and speak of themselves as humanity working their way out of human sense into Spirit, from darkness into light and sickness into health.

Accepting matter and mortality as a temporal human state, one is bound to feel the need for healing or demonstration; for he is denying himself the very glory he is seeking, namely, the glory of beholding and experiencing the eternal Realism that we are The One Life and Being here and now, and no other.
Sometimes, it is taught that Spirit is our potential nature. It should be seen that Spirit is our actual Nature only. No need to accept anything as true merely because it is generally taught or believed. It is from Spirit we learn that there is no dual world, dual nature, dual mind, dual thought, dual will or existence. Accept not the theory that a human mind is false, that there is strife of Truth with error, that we must break down duality, and that we are ignorant until we are spiritualized and mortal until we are translated. Know and say authoritatively, that a human mind does not exist, that Truth is the only Presence, that the Infinite Mind knows no error, duality, change, development or evolution. I AM That I AM; and there is none else.

Attempt not to master material beliefs, handle false claims or pay for one’s sins. What then becomes of mortals, personal sense, counterfeit creation, tempter and temptation, a cause to support or a purpose to serve? Nothing; for how can anything be done about that which never existed? Spirit is not realized by any process of thinking or an ascending scale of greater demonstration as proof of healing or overcoming. Rather than such practice, one should stand still where he is, aware that Spirit, Body and World have never deflected from Perfection. Taking the eternal Truth as our Platform, it is simple to conclude that salvation rests in our own spiritual Consciousness—thatwe know the Truth of the One without another!

When one puts aside his belief in two—Spirit and matter, Truth and error, divine Mind and human mind, spiritual World and material world, God and man—he is ready to understand Reality as One, and see its forms of beauty and loveliness everywhere about him. A letter just received in today’s mail bears witness to this new Enlightenment, as follows:

“In the study of your books, I have no longer to struggle to get rid of matter. For many years I was confused, as I had been told that matter did not exist, therefore I felt guilty if I enjoyed the beautiful trees, fields and flowers, as it seemed that I must eliminate them from my vision in order to see Spirit. I had no idea how to conjecture a world of Spirit, and felt that I was hanging in mid air. Now, I know that the flowers, trees, birds and various forms of Life I see before me are not matter, illusion or material life at all, but Spirit; and I enjoy them to the fullest. I know now that Spirit is all.”

Many are asking today, “How can I receive inner Light and guidance?” The answer must be the same always. Inner Light or divine Knowledge belongs to the one Mind alone. If you love God, Spirit, the One divine Mind more than all else, with supreme devotion, you will now willingly and gladly sever your belief in another self, mind and thinking, and identify yourself with and as the One divine Mind. Since none but this Mind can know Itself, then in no way, except as this Mind, can you be Self-illumined. Laying aside teachings and beliefs which would identify you with a human mind and corporeal body, and accepting Spirit as the all and whole of you, here and now, you will certainly receive that Light which is guidance, peace, safety and immunity.

The Absolute Message alone teaches the Way of Self-Light and Self-Illumination, for it alone identifies us as Spirit now, and not humanity; and as the One now, and none else. The Absolute knows that as the divine Mind we can and will be Self-illumined, and thus experience the spiritual Self and Universe as a present Reality.

Reader, for a certainty you can enjoy the actuality of the great axiom that Spirit is all; and there can be none else. The last clause of this sentence is as positive and certain as the first. If you feel that your present experience is not altogether satisfying to you, then study this second clause especially. Your clear perception that there is no other self, power, mind or thought beside the perfect, complete and All-inclusive One, will disclose to you in luminous clarity that there can be no discord or lack in you.
I recall a vivid Illumination which came to me one time when a mother had asked help for her young son who she said was “getting teeth.” I knew the One Consciousness to be perfect Activity and Manifestation, yet at the end of the next day the report was the same as originally. I asked my Self what it was that I should know further. The answer was immediate and definite, as follows: “Timmy is not getting teeth.” Then I recognized that I had not included in my “knowing” the Reality that there is none else—thatnot anything can be formed or made; for everything is present here and now, without a beginning. This perception took care of the situation at once. I could relate hundreds of experiences when Illumination was instantaneous and specific, as words audibly spoken or inspirationally heard.
Mind does not have Consciousness, Mind IS Consciousness. Consciousness does not have a body, Consciousness IS Body, Manifestation and World. Mind is not one thing taking cognizance of something else. Mind is the thing it sees, and the thing it sees is Mind. Mind is not a cause, to be followed by an effect. There is no such thing as cause or effect, since everything of Spirit is the spiritual World Itself, verily—our own spiritual Consciousness. Nothing of Reality is caused or created; everything of Reality is eternally omnipresent. In no other way than as spiritual Consciousness can we experience spiritual Being, Body and World.

When I began the study of Metaphysics, that same day I began to study the Bible. As time goes, I was then in my early teens. It was from the Bible that I learned to turn from all else to God direct. I was not concerned with Bible personalities or with their problems. What stood out to me above all else was the fact presented, that when they turned to God they received Light and Revelation; they walked and talked with God; and they found peace and freedom.

As I took this Way, I, too, found Light and glory, peace and freedom. I kept on studying both Metaphysics and the Bible diligently. One day, I was startled when someone alluded to me as a mortal. I also found that I was closing my ears every time I was told of the workings of evil, mortal mind or mesmeric suggestion. None of this rang true to me; none of it agreed with what I was learning from God direct. My heart continued soaring high above rule, system and favored person. I scarcely heard when they were mentioned to me. I lived in my own Being; I walked in my own Light. With my whole heart I loved God, and accepted God as my changeless perfection in all ways, right here and now; and it was so. I experienced constant inspiration, joy and happiness.

I recall an early experience when I did not know my way out of a certain dilemma. I seemed to be in sudden great pain. Sitting alone, I wondered what to do about it. I began to ponder how I could feel pain if God is all, how I could even have a false belief; how pain could seem to be or I could in any way be connected with it. I could not deny that I was feeling pain, nor could I reconcile pain with God; nor did thought of another power beside God occur to me. In utter desperation and abandonment, I threw out my arms, calling to God aloud, “Which is true, God or pain?”

I remember how instant the answer—it seemed to come as I was still speaking. Louder than any thunder, came the vibrant, ringing words, “There is nothing true but Truth.” As certain as the Voice Itself, I knew, I understood, I was free—filled with an exquisite glory. The more I turned to God for my answers, the further I turned away from doctrines and practices which taught nothing of Self-Light and Self-Revelation, which to me was the most important thing of my whole life. Finally, I left organization, and soon afterwards—1924—I wrote my book, “The Finished Kingdom,” which contains many, of my Revelations and experiences. Today, those who read it still receive of its Light and Glory.

We need only turn to our own perfect Self, to know that we are this Self now and always. Here we live the intuitional Life—we live joyously. We know there is no need to labor or struggle mentally; we know there is no fear in divine Mind, and that there is no other mind. We know the One “I” is the only Presence, the All and Whole of everyone who has existence. By virtue of these facts, we have no fear of another’s thinking, knowing as we do that not a solitary human mind or thought exists in the Infinite Being. To fear the thoughts of others is not to know that one Mind alone exists—the Mind of God, the Mind that is our only Mind.

Is there more to be said of enemy, adversary, error or mortal mind? We must not defame the Power and Glory of the Infinite I AM by discussing another power or entity beside It. Identified as a human being and a human mind, one speaks of God as on one side of him, and mortal mind on the other; he is ever between what he believes as two existences. Glorious it is, and beyond measure, to live and love the Life of Spirit, the One, wherein and whereof we know one Mind reigns alone.

Expanding beyond the effort to remove limitations from a flat earth, it was revealed that the earth is round, and that there was no flat earth. The same fact is true of our own existence. Expanding beyond the effort to infuse a human mind with Truth or heal mankind spiritually, it is revealed that Being, Identity and Existence is Spirit—One I AM.

Tuesday, 14 January 2014


 1. All including the world seen by you and yourself, the seer of the world, is one only.

2. All that you consider as I, you, he, she and it, is one only.

3. What you consider to be sentient beings and what you consider to be insentient, such as earth, air, fire and water is all one.

4. The good which is derived by your considering all as one cannot be had by considering each as separate from the other. Therefore all is one.

5. The knowledge of the unity of all, is good for you and good for others as well. Therefore all is one.

6. He who sees "I am separate," "you are separate," "he is separate" and so on, acts one way to himself and another way to others. He cannot help doing so. The thought "I am separate, others are separate" is the seed from which grows the tree of differing actions in relation to different persons. How can there be any lapse from righteousness for a person who knows the unity of himself with others? As long as
the germ of differentiation is there, the tree of differing actions will flourish, even unawares. Therefore give up differentiation. All is one only.

7. Ask: "If in the world all things appear different, how can I consider all as one? Is there any way of gaining this knowledge?" The reply is: "In the same tree we see leaves, flowers, berries and branches, different from one another, yet they are all one because they are all included in the word 'tree'. Their root is the same; their sap is the same. Similarly, all things, all bodies, all organisms are from the same source and activated by a single life principle." Therefore all is one.

8. Oh good man! Is the statement that "All is one," good or evil? Think for yourself. Just as the person will always be righteous who regards himself like others and others like himself, how can any evil attach itself to him who knows himself to be others and the others to be himself? Tell me if there is any better way for obtaining good than the knowledge of unity? Certainly other methods cannot be as good as
this one. How can anyone love others more than when knowing them to be himself, to know them in unity-love as unity, for they are truly one.

9. Who can share the mental peace and freshness of the knower of unity? He has no cares. The Good of all is his own good. A mother considers her children's well-being to be her own well-being. Still, her love is not perfect because she thinks she is separate and her children are separate. The love of a Sage, who has realized the unity of all, far excels even the love of a mother. There is no other means of gaining such love than the knowledge of unity. Therefore all is one.

10. Know that the world as a whole is your undecaying body and that you are the everlasting life of the whole world. Tell me if there is any harm in doing so? Who fears to go the harmless way? Be courageous. The Vedas teach this very truth. There is nothing but yourself. All good will be yours. Yea, you become the good itself. All that others gain from you will be good only. Who will work evil to his own body and soul? A remedy is applied if there is an abscess in the body. Even if the remedy is painful, it is meant to do good only. Such will be some of your actions; they will also be for the good of the world. For that reason, you will not be involved in differentiation. I put it briefly: The knower of unity will act as one should. In fact, the knowledge of unity makes him act. He cannot err. In the world, he is God made visible.

All is one.

~ Ellam-Ondre ~

Sunday, 5 January 2014

The Living present ~ Talks With Nisargadatta Maharaj

Between the banks of pain and pleasure the river of life flows. It is only when the mind refuses to flow with life, and gets stuck at the banks, that it becomes a problem. By flowing with life I mean acceptance -- letting come what comes and go what goes. Desire not, fear not, observe the actual, as and when it happens, for you are not what happens, you are to whom it happens. Ultimately even the observer you are not. You are the ultimate potentiality of which the all-embracing consciousness is the manifestation and expression.
I am real for I am always now, in the present, and what is with me now shares in my reality. (…) A thing focussed in the now is with me, for I am ever present; it is my own reality that I impart to the present event.
Things and thoughts have been changing all the time. But the feeling that what is now is real has never changed, even in dream.
Desire is the memory of pleasure and fear is the memory of pain. Both make the mind restless. Moments of pleasure are merely gaps in the stream of pain. How can the mind be happy?
Q: Between the spirit and the body, is it love that provides the bridge?
M: What else? Mind creates the abyss, the heart crosses it.

(Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj/I Am that)

Saturday, 4 January 2014

Now A Change Has Come Over You ...

You, as ego, cannot really care for yourself.
Something has already announced itself: I am here, inside. Trust.
Now a change has come over you and you can no longer be the old self.
Just be aware of inner presence and completely surrender in It.
It is not for the devotee to know or to assess what is going on.
Do not make any conclusions at all. 
There is a sense that something powerful is present within you.
If you have surrendered yourself, it is not your business anymore to take control of your life.
Leave it all to the power and presence.
It is a bit like eating your meal. You take care that it is cooked well and that you chew it well, but once it is swallowed, it is not in your control anymore.
Now, another power is taking care of all that and it is going to blow you empty.
It is blowing 'you' out.
It is blowing out this deluded personal self so that you are left with and as the 
feeling of timeless Being.
You are being emptied of your story, of memory, of personhood. 
However, there remains a sense of being fully yourself.
Contrary to what many expect or anticipate, there is a great joy.
What will happen in the future? This is of concern no more to the one who is liberated.
Time itself is disappearing.
For some beings, it is as though life shrinks down to a tiny, tiny thing, like an atom, but inside this atom is the whole universe. 
Allow yourself to get quietly absorbed like That.

~ Mooji ~
January 2014

I Am

Be not hopeful of good for the New Year, but ASSURE yourself of good by daily beginning your activities with a silent, inner realization of His presence, His grace.

There is nothing deeper in the spiritual literature of the world than the two words, I AM. As a matter of fact, when you are in the depths of despair, those are the only two words that can come to your rescue – not what I would LIKE to be, not what I HOPE to be, not what I am TRYING to be through the use of all these words. In the end, you will realize this: What it is I am seeking, I already am. You will then give up all this physical effort and mental effort. You will give up all the struggling. Why struggle for that which I already am? Do not try to be more spiritual; do not try to be more moral; do not try to be more good; do not try to be more anything. Give up the struggle; stop trying to be one thing other than that which you are now are; settle back and realize: That which I am, I AM. All that God is, I AM. That which I am seeking, I AM.

~ Joel Goldsmith ~
The Heart of Mysticism