The Longing For Something which will end world conflict,
promote peace among nations, eradicate diseases, and bring serenity and
tranquility to hearts and home everywhere, is widespread. Such longing is
heartfelt; yet, paradoxically, it is the resultant of the grossly fallacious
belief and teaching that we are human beings, with mind, thought and will of
our own; and that we all live together in a world which is temporal, material
and destructible.
The doctrines of religion, as well as teaching in general,
unite today in the common, deplorable misconception that God is Spirit, and we
are humanity; and that we must make an exodus from a material world and human
existence into the spiritual World and spiritual Existence.
Unprejudiced, fearless and deliberately, let us examine the
general status of religious beliefs and teachings of today, as more and more
they come into universal focus, and will continue to do so, until the Truth
that one God, one Selfhood and one World reigns alone, becomes more widely
seen, known and accepted.
Though all the while we are of the World of immaculate love,
peace and security—wherein and whereof GOD is the Self, Being, Life, Mind and
Will of everyone—the teaching of sin, separation, material world and human
existence is world-wide. While living in the midst of peace and happiness,
security and abundance, one labors to acquire them, to develop or demonstrate
them—but still feels that he is separated from them.
He studies books and listens to teachers or guides that they
may show him the way. Alas, he discovers that nearly everyone is searching and
struggling for the same thing—something which will bring him the fulfillment of
his heartfelt desires.
The entire framework for the preposterous conjecture, assumption
and teaching that we must be translated from a human state into the spiritual,
and go from one world to another, is taken wholly from certain traditions or
mythology, in which is not a single grain of truth. Identified by various,
diversified names and titles, and leading over devious paths, all religious
creeds, doctrines and tenets are rooted in one basic fallacy—precisely—that we
are mortals, mankind, humanity.
Webster defines religion as “systems of faith” practices of
religious beliefs.” Religion claims two existences, one for God—spiritual
existence; and another existence for us—a human or material existence. It
further identifies us with a past state of human birth, a present state of
regeneration, and a future state of perfection, after we have earned won or
demonstrated it. Without the religious beliefs in sin and separation, there
would be no ground, basis or foundation for creed or doctrine; no hypothesis
for struggle, strife or warfare; no need for system or method of salvation.
The word religion is derived from re and ligio, meaning to
bind back. Classifying God as Spirit, and us as humanity, religion then strives
to bind back these parts which it believes have been separated. To this end,
each religion selects its own particular method, system and practice, whereby
to re-deem, re-generate or re-instate us into that eternal Oneness which never
has been severed.
Dear One, were you present, were you there, when original
sin took place? Did you see how, when and why separation entered into spiritual
Being and spiritual World, that one should now believe himself to be a human
being, living in a material world? Has not your heart often wondered, over and
over again, how we could have become separated from Spirit, God, that we should
now be called mankind or humanity? And have you not longed to believe that God
must always be the All-in-All? Trust your heart and its intuitive feelings! We
were never separated from God!
In the Biblical narrative of Adam and sin, tribulation, woe
and death, there is neither veracity, truth nor symbology. No teaching should
be built upon it. The Infinite, sinless God knows no human being or material
world; no sin, nor warfare; no translation or demonstration; no fear, nor fear
of fear; no struggle, strife, nor death. In the one Infinite God, all is
Spirit, and there can be no mortals, no human beings. Emergence from matter
into Spirit, or journey from one world to another, is utterly impossible. None
can bridge a distance between us and God—no distance exists. None can make a
journey to God—God is within us. No future time or place can ever be—God is
timeless, spaceless, everpresent.
The very belief in and use of the terms human, material,
physical, mortal and mental, assuming—as they do—our separation from Spirit, God,
automatically subjects one to sickness, sorrow, tribulation, war and death.
Every method, plan or practice offered today as a way back
or forward to our perfect Self and World, is based upon the demoralizing belief
and teaching that we are not the one perfect Self and Being now; and that we
are not living in the perfect World now. Who is teaching these doctrines and
beliefs? The general religious teaching of today. It preaches that we are now
mortals, that we have a material body and mind which are temporal, and that we
are to become perfect through progressive human footsteps. Were religion not
accepting that we are now separated from God or other than the one perfect
Selfhood, would it be identifying God as Spirit, and us as mankind or humanity?
No—it would not.
While one may declare that there is no self apart from God,
he straightway contradicts it, if he teaches or believes that we are either to
put off or to improve a human mind; or build a new consciousness. In fact,
everything he does to become what the one Self already is, points directly to
his own belief in separation and duality.
True knowledge of God and us cannot exist apart from inner
Revelation. From life lived by inner Light, we learn that we are not separate
from God or other than Spirit. GOD CANNOT BE ONE, AND WE ANOTHER. That we must
work and labor to become the One we actually are; and strive to demonstrate the
things which are ours already, is a blindness which true vision only can
dispel. From inner Light, we learn the great and absolute Truth—separation from
God never took place. The way to know the unadulterated Truth is the way of the
deeply devoted heart to its own Light. Here we learn the Truth from God direct.
What is Truth?
This is Truth: One God, One Self, One Spirit, One Mind, One
Existence, reigning alone–Eternally. Truth is everpresent—complete, absolute,
total, all. Truth is without interval or interruption, remaining identical
within Itself. To be or not to be the One which reigns alone, is the issue
which is paramount today. To know the Truth that one Self exists alone; or to
claim existence of two—God and humanity—reveals one’s present Knowledge or
Truth stands alone. Truth has no opposite. Truth has no
supposititious antipode. Truth has no second. The teaching that we must develop
from one state to another, emerge from matter into Spirit, and be translated
from a material existence into the spiritual World, is a denial of the sacred,
everlasting Truth that GOD is within us; CHRIST is within us; THE KINGDOM OF
GOD is within us—right where we are Here and Now.
Whatever is true and perfect remains true and perfect
always. Never can there be a becoming state of Reality. Our true and perfect
Self is here NOW. Time and place are unknown to God. How far away from us is
our Self? It is always right where we are. It knows no one is present, no one
is here, but Me. In Me, there is no fear, no darkness nor veil, nor myth of
Adam and sin, nor warfare, tribulation and death. I AM the One World, The ONE I
AM THAT I AM. I yield My glory to none other.
We have no self or mind that is human or body that is
material; no human self, mind or body can ever be. WE ARE THE ONE WHO EXISTS
ALONE. All contrary beliefs must be surrendered. Truth comes as Revelation to
him who, surrendering all belief of himself as another beside the One, and with
his whole heart loving the Infinite unseparated ONE above all else, rejoicingly
identifies himself as the one Self, the one Being, Mind and World—SPIRIT.
The one universal Selfhood was never severed. Not anything was
ever lost; nor is there something to be gained. The real Self is our only Self.
This Self is God. Other than the Self, There is no God.
Dear One, if you would be whole, happy and free, then
identify yourself as the true and real Self only. Whatever is not true should
not be considered or tolerated. Freedom consists in knowing what Truth is, and
in being Truth. To know what Truth is, and to be Truth, provides our perfect
answer to every question, rendering certain and sure our complete safety,
security and happiness, here and now.
Thoughts may change, doctrines and laws undergo revisions,
but the Truth that the perfect Self is our only Self, reigns alone — Eternally.
~ Lillian DeWaters ~