Saturday, 4 January 2014

Now A Change Has Come Over You ...

You, as ego, cannot really care for yourself.
Something has already announced itself: I am here, inside. Trust.
Now a change has come over you and you can no longer be the old self.
Just be aware of inner presence and completely surrender in It.
It is not for the devotee to know or to assess what is going on.
Do not make any conclusions at all. 
There is a sense that something powerful is present within you.
If you have surrendered yourself, it is not your business anymore to take control of your life.
Leave it all to the power and presence.
It is a bit like eating your meal. You take care that it is cooked well and that you chew it well, but once it is swallowed, it is not in your control anymore.
Now, another power is taking care of all that and it is going to blow you empty.
It is blowing 'you' out.
It is blowing out this deluded personal self so that you are left with and as the 
feeling of timeless Being.
You are being emptied of your story, of memory, of personhood. 
However, there remains a sense of being fully yourself.
Contrary to what many expect or anticipate, there is a great joy.
What will happen in the future? This is of concern no more to the one who is liberated.
Time itself is disappearing.
For some beings, it is as though life shrinks down to a tiny, tiny thing, like an atom, but inside this atom is the whole universe. 
Allow yourself to get quietly absorbed like That.

~ Mooji ~
January 2014

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